Tuesday, November 26, 2013

About Alice

I love my little Alice.  Skinny, Feral and Shivering in a dark cage at the Merced County Animal Shelter, Alice was tagged with an orange tape around her neck signifying she was to go and get gassed within hours. In her nearly final hour, Comox Valley's own doggy angel, Larissa Whitby of Newbark Dog Rescue and Rehoming showed up and picked her and twenty other promising looking dogs off death row in a hellishly difficult decision. They then set off in a borrowed van to the North.  I didn't know Larissa then, but when I heard that a woman had driven to California to save twenty death row dogs at a high kill shelter, and bring them all back in a rented van, I was floored.  I knew that fostering was the least I could do to support this amazing woman.  So I found out Larissa's phone number and asked her to pick out a cute one (that would be easy and fast to adopt out).  Larissa picked out a short legged red dog with more integrity than a lot of people.  Sure she would be easy to adopt out.  Lucky girl, lucky me! It only took Alice a few minutes to make me fall in love with her. I wasn't looking for another dog at the time. She doesn't know about governments or nations or borders. I am so glad she did not die. I wasn't looking to the states or anywhere else to adopt, and no, I would not have adopted a Canadian dog in her place. Because there is only one Alice.

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